Congratulations! to Desiree Antoine on becoming the newly elected President of the University at Albany Chapter of the International Organization for Global Education. The iNOGE Constitution for the organization chapters stipulate that "elections shall be held at the end of each academic year" to elect a new President and Vice President. Following this rule, an election was held last night at the Humanities Building of the UAlbany's main campus, where the young and hardworking Desiree Antoine was elected by her fellow members after serving as the chapter's Secretary. Desiree is currently a Sophomore at the University at Albany, New York. She Majors in Sociology and Minors in Africana Studies. As a kid who grew up in the Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood, Brooklyn, New York, she is aware of the many challenges faced by inner city youths, especially in communities of color. One of such is the rate at which inner city youths are failing in high schools; a situation which mostly leads to high school children dropping out of school. She is dedicated to improving the lives of children in underserved communities in Albany and New York City.
Speaking on her leadership qualifications for the job, Desiree says, "I had the opportunity to shadow clinical social workers at the Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York in Summer 2014 and 2015". In addition, she is also a member of one of UAlbany's highly competitive dance team, Under Construction. She hopes to recruit more members into the chapter so that they can be more active in the local community. "I think she will be a great president", says Mr. William Asiedu, the outgoing President of the chapter.
Also elected through a more competitive race last night was Mouna Doumbia, who will be serving as Vice President. Organization Founder Beroro Efekoro says, "This is going to be so good", noting that it is the first time both the position of President and Vice President are filled with women at the same time. "It had always been a male President and Female Vice President and I am very happy about the outcome of this election", he added. The entire membership of iNOGE wish Desiree Antoine and Mouna Doumbia a successful term!
You can follow Desiree on Instagram: _IAM_DES