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iNOGE Founder Beroro Efekoro Meets With NYS Senator Neil Breslin

In the early hours of today the Founder and CEO of the International Organization for Global Education met with the State Senator Neil Breslin, member representing the New York Capital Region. The purpose of the meeting as disclosed by Mr. Efekoro, was to discuss funding possibilities for the iNOGE Youth Education Center that is to be located in the Senator's district. A section of the proposal handed to the state senator reads:

"The iNOGE Youth Education Center will provide tutoring and academic enrichment activities that support student achievement in the classroom, and help students meet proficiency required by Albany Public Schools District and the State of New York. Students performing below average will get extra help especially in the areas of math and science. Students will also get help with Regents exams and college prep".

Many Albany public school children are under-performing. Albany High School had a graduation rate of 59% in 2015. Only 37% of those students were ready for four year colleges according information on the school's report card by the State Education Department. The children need every extra help that they can get to prepare them for the future ahead.

Asked why he chose this time to meet with the senator, Mr. Efekoro said it was the best time to meet with any member of the state legislature. The NYS Senate is currently in the middle of their budget negotiations and it seems there is no better time to request funding than this time. The senator was receptive of the idea contained in the proposal and applauded the work the organization is doing to help the Albany youth and families.

Mr. Efekoro also made a few stops to share the same proposal with the office of Assemblymember Patricia Fahy and Assemblyman John McDonald. Both members represent Albany county in the lower chambers. Founder Efekoro hopes something good will come out of the meetings, but for now he will just sit and wait until he hears from them.

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